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currently: north america, canada, toronto

martin is an artist, engineer and entrepreneur, currently building a gamified breathwork app. he has a passion for electronic music, the exploration of consciousness, and blending the world of technology and art.

born and raised in toronto, he spent his childhood and teenage years playing competitive ice hockey and golf while also developing a love for jailbreaking ios devices and tinkering with his macbook. at 18, he was introduced to coding for the first time and decided to pursue learning ios app development.

after two years at queen's university studying computer engineering, martin dropped out to join a real estate startup as their first employee, where he worked for four years. he also started djing casually and created an application for vfx artists to take light maps with their phone, that is now being used by over 50,000 artists and studios worldwide.

a pivotal moment in his life came when he attended an ayahuasca retreat and decided to stop drinking alcohol. seeking new experiences, martin decided to finish his university education in tokyo, japan. during this time, he won the wwdc 2023 swift student challenge, learned conversational japanese, and attended a 10-day vipassana silent meditation retreat, where he met his eventual co-founder. together, they founded an ice bath, sauna, and breathwork company in tokyo, running events for japanese entrepreneurs.

recently, he's been building. here's a couple things he's built: an animatronic piano player art exhibit that's controllable through computer vision, a social media for 360° photos built for vision pro, and a real time salary visualizer built for vision pro.

his biggest dream is to have absolute control over how he spends his time, and to one day open a permanent sauna, ice bath, and breathwork space in tokyo as an oasis for entrepreneurs, artists, and athletes to recharge and explore their consciousness.

if you want to get in touch, plz reach out!